Sunday 7 July 2013

Day 7 - Rapping it all up

Rapping it all up.......


At the end of the first week I have a much better understanding of the challenge that lies ahead ,I also have a better understanding of how far I can push......

From tomorrow I step my game up and introduce another killer workout idea , This will be the killer of all killers.

Today's kettle bell session

  • 100 double 20kg Jerks (big guys 24-26Kgs)
  • Go until failure ,Every time you fail place bells on the floor and do.....
  • Pushups-Reps Number you did when you failed
  • Get up sit-up with strict shoulder press same as pushup reps R+L
  • Pick up bells and start Jerking on the number you failed to complete the 100
50 V-ups

 Summary Of week 1  


BAM week one completed :):)

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